Friday, March 1, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 1: "I Almost Didn't, But I'm Glad I Did"

This is the first year in my 6 years of Slicing that I almost didn't. I actually thought several times today that maybe I just won't. 

I'm not sure why not, except that I just don't have the "in person" Slicing community I used to have...and it makes a difference!

I miss my fellow teachers who joined me, my students, and the administration that made this such a special month. March brings back sweet memories that sting just a little.

So, I'm slicing this month with new purpose. It's not about motivating anyone, or cheering students on, or planning celebrations, or any of those things that made March fly by each year.

This year I'm doing it for me. For my writing. 

To reflect. To notice. To record. To share.

And I'm doing it with the people that have been there all along to support me---the community at the Two Writing Teachers. 

I didn't make my final decision until I visited the blog tonight and saw all of you there, posting away, and just knew I couldn't miss it. 

And I'm so glad I did. 

Happy Slicing, friends!


  1. You are right, this community has a gravitational pull! I lvoe what you said about writing for you. "To reflect. To notice. To record. To share." Sometimes, I think I forget about that part.

    I also did know you were a fellow Hoosier!

  2. I'm so glad you did, too. And doing it "for me, for my writing" means it will be very special!

  3. Absolutely! Most of my best writing memories are from times when I didn't worry about anything other than doing it for myself. It's a pretty freeing way to write. So glad you are here to join in with all of us.

  4. I didn't decide until today that I would join in again. It's harder for me now that there aren't students and school happenings to write about. We just have to pay a little extra attention to what's going on around us...

  5. I'm a new slicer, so I'm looking forward to not only working on my own writing, but also seeing what the community is all about.

  6. It's funny, I didn't realize that so many others felt the way I did this year. For whatever reasons, we weren't going to do this challenge...but we just couldn't stay away! Two Writing Teachers hosts such a great challenge every year, don't they? What a wonderful community! JudyK :-)

  7. I'm glad you're back! Thank you for being my writing cheerleader last year. This online writing community is awesome, isn't it?!
