Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 13--"A Favorite Format Tradition"

I am a reading teacher, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a dog-mommy.

I keep memories in physical form (also known as a hoarder in some circles, I think...;)

I wish I could break down walls between people. I think we need more respect, less fear, and a more welcoming mindset.

I love differences and learning about them.

I sing a song of joy everyday...I hope. When people see me, I want them to see a friend.

I think everyone should own a dog. They make life better.

I really miss traveling overseas. Someday, I will, again, but for now, finances are all pointed towards a new house.

I need more sleep.

I should exercise. But man, the days go fast!

I can do more than I could at this time last year. I have health problems that flare, and I'm thankful when my body is cool.

I like to be creative--making things, decorating, gardening.

I make decisions sloooooowly, as my realtor is finding out. I can be completely in love with a house and out of love within minutes.

I always wish I had more than one life to live. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to have a chance to do all the things we dream of?


  1. I might have to try this format! It seems like it would be fun! And I totally agree with you, everyone should own a dog! Or two!

  2. This seems like a good way for members of a group to get to know one another. I wonder what I'd learn about myself if I tried this!
