Sunday, March 18, 2018

Slice of Life, Day 18, "Thoughts on Anticipation"

I know people say that anticipating things can lead to disappointment, etc., but I've found that for me, anticipation is the sweetest feeling. It gives me a reason to look forward, to look beyond the moment, to imagine, and to dream.

I get the "live in the moment" movement, and actually agree with it. I think each moment of life is special and should be treasured. But, it is anticipation that adds some spice!

It is one of the reasons I love teaching so much. It's silly, but the anticipation of events through the year give me job. Each month and season of my year has something that I love: July and school supplies, August and new faces, winter and snow days...on and on it goes, until it begins again.

Which brings me to tonight.

The night before our last day of school before Spring Break. I know that not everything on my Spring Break list will be fulfilled. I know that 2 Sundays for now I'll be wondering how it went so quickly. For now, however, my heart is filled with the excitement and fun that always comes before a break! I have a list, and I'm ready to get started, even if it doesn't all get done!

I hope I never grow too old to feel excited about the big and the little things that are coming down the road. Anticipation can make even the mundane look and feel sparkly--it's all about outlook! I choose anticipation with the chance of disappointment, over the alternative every time!


  1. so true about the seasons and anticipation. I love school supplies too, and spring break! Hope yours is perfect, or close to it :-)

  2. I agree! Special events are like little stepping stones we hop across as we travel through the year. Sometimes it's nice to look ahead, and sometimes it's nice to look around.

  3. I love this! Sometimes my anticipation leads to disappointment, but more often than not it's a great feeling.

  4. Anticipation makes life exciting, I agree with you."Each month and season of my year has something that I love: " This line makes the expectation special. I do that with the abundance of seasonal fruits in my part of the world- Each month I know the fruits to expect and it is exciting. Thanks for your slice.

  5. I like the way you put a positive spin on anticipation, connecting it to the excited feeling of something fun coming up. I am contemplating a change in schools and districts for teaching, and the anticipation of those upcoming applications and interviews have me feeling quite nervous. Your post helped me turn that around and see it another way.

    P.S. Your blog page looks beautiful! I love the background and the font!

  6. I think you're on to something. I wish I could find the podcast I listened to on this very topic recently. I'm pretty sure it was Good Life Project with Jonathan Fields, but I can't find the episode. I did find an article that summarizes this idea--which I think has great potential for increasing our happiness.

  7. Happy “Day Before Break” tomorrow!
