Friday, March 30, 2018

Slice of Life, Day 30-- "My One Little Word"

So, I know that most people choose their "one little word" in January, but I save it for March. I find that blogging seems to make me more reflective and conscious of what I'm really thinking...probably because I'm recording it everyday! :)

Last year, my word was nurture. I wanted to grow the things worth growing in my life. I feel like it's guided me along the way to a better place than where I was last year at this time.

This year, I choose the word follow.

It is defined as "to go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind (Google Dictionary)."

I have been pushing so hard to control (or nurture...?) so many things in the last year: my class, my new home, my health, etc. It's been a hard year for me because of so many changes. I've run myself ragged. 

I know that follow may have the connotation of stepping back, but really my intention behind it is to give me guidance as I make everyday decisions. Who, what, or why am I choosing this or that? What is behind my motives?

If a choice deviates in anyway from my personal beliefs and convictions, then I will make a course correction. I want to follow who I really am, and for me, that means following Jesus. I am excited to see where He leads.

Now, that I have my word, let's get the year started! :) 

P.S. I tried a MILLION times to get this post to format correctly, but the fonts are still funky...and I'm moving on...sigh!


  1. Follow is a great word to guide you since you are following Jesus. Blessings as you seek to reflect on your choices and live what you believe.

  2. That is a good word. I have tried several times to come up with one little word for the year, without luck. Maybe I should try your approach and look for the word later in the year.

  3. I wrote about my OLW today too. I like follow, it's a word with substance and one you can get behind as you move into your new year. I like that you pick your word in March.

  4. It takes a leader to follow sometimes. I appreciate your choice of this word! We're not talking about blindly following. True following creates humility and opens my heart to more possibilities and (like you said) helps me reflect about why I'm doing something. We all need guidance in our life. What a great focus for the year!
