Monday, March 5, 2018

Slice of Life, Day 5-- "Can I Just Have One Word About Daylight Savings Time?"

I know this isn't popular. I've seen the posts on Facebook, the memes, the not-so-subtle tweets, and this has been simmering for awhile.

I think I may be the only person in America not excited about Daylight Savings Time. I mean really not excited. And not just about missing an hour of sleep. That's the part I don't mind as much!

I actually have a proposal.

You all can have your extra light at night, your "longer" days, your barbecues in the crisp spring air at 10:17 p.m. I don't resent any of this. Have it and enjoy it.


Please, please, please...I beg you to wait until school is out. I propose that DST be rolled out on the night that each local school celebrates the last day of school. When the last kickball tournament of Field Day is over and all the classrooms are dark, take all the sunlight you want! Live it up outside until midnight...but not now. Please not now.

Does anyone else think March is a little early to get kids off their sleeping schedule, tricking their suggestible little brains into thinking it's 5:00 when it's actually 9:30? Does anyone really want to take over my class for a week while their jet lagged bodies try to pay attention at 7:25 a.m. in the PITCH BLACK of night?

Didn't think so.

So...yeah, the truth is no matter how light it is, it has to be dark sometime. And frankly, I'd like it to be while my kids should be sleeping, not listening to me (gulp a 6th cup of coffee).

Rant over. Thank you for listening. I am aware that this will all happen despite my weigh-in. I just needed say it. :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! And I like your suggestion for a solution! I don't want the kids to get spring fever already!
