Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Slice of Life, Day 14-- "A No Words Wednesday"

No words today

Wednesday has won.

I'm beat


The list of things to do

Run through my head

As my eyes burn with sleepiness

And so this Slice captures not a slice of my day

But rather, a Slice of what my day did to me.

No words today

Maybe tomorrow

Sleep, please!


  1. Teacher tired is a real- I agree. I'm trying to find my slice idea as I type this myself. Thanks for sharing and hope you get some rest!

  2. yes and works and yes to sleep - nice job

  3. There is no understanding of a teacher like that of a fellow teacher- no one has a clue what we do, feel, breathe through, fix, reflect on, strategize on, and go to sleep with in our brains but another teacher. Sleep well.

  4. But you wrote and that is AMAZING, Katy! Good for you for writing even when you felt depleted.

  5. You found the words anyway to accurately convey what teacher tired feels like. I am hoping Spring Break revives me!
