Saturday, March 9, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 9--"My Moment in Sounds"

As I sit typing this slice in the quiet of the evening, I hear...

the gentle fall of rain outside my windows, sometimes heavy, drowning everything out

the dripping of the gutters

an occasional roar, following with enormous splashes, by cars that pass by

heavy wind that comes in gusts that feel like surround sound white noise

soft doggy snores from the other couch

the humming of the refrigerator

the pitter-patter of my typing

many sounds blended together to make a silent, still moment

creating peace


  1. The thought of being still, listening, and writing about all of the sounds feels like it would be very meditative. In fact, just reading your poem put my mind at ease, imagining all of the sounds. I love this idea!

  2. This was a descriptive post. I feel like I was really there sitting with you. So many sounds creating that peace.

  3. This is such a fun thing to do. We had our fourth graders do many of these exercises during our narrative writing unit. The small details are really what make writing not only relatable, but also powerful.

  4. It is amazing how much you can hear when you listen to the "silence." I think that rain is headed my way, so tomorrow I may be listening to the same sounds.

  5. It's so nice to just sit quietly for a moment and listen to the sounds around you. Loved this slice.

  6. Quiet time is so necessary, but I rarely find it. Your slice made me think of what I may be missing today. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. I am going to try this post again. I do not remember exactly what I wrote, but I think what is below is close.

    I so need quiet time too, but rarely get it. Your slice reminds me of what my life might be missing today. Thanks for the reminder.
