Saturday, March 30, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 30-- "Another House Offer...But with a touch of MAGIC"

I made another house offer today.

I fell for it the minute I walked in.

The character, the charm...the storage! Oh my!

It all created the perfect storm of loveliness.

I drove home, wondering,

Was I right to offer higher than I intended to?

Were the little quirks going to make me crazy someday?

Was the yard big enough for my puppy?

And then, as we discussed logistics on the phone,

Prices, disclosures, words I didn't know...

A touch of magic came from the sky

A little confirmation that all would be well.

A storm of a different kind, but so very lovely.

A flurry of snow that turned into a windy blizzard.

And I was reminded of how lucky snow is for me,

So that nerves faded, confidence emerged, and papers were signed.

A snow storm that said to me,

"Peace, Be Still--I've got this."

In a week of 60 degree temps,

Unexpected snow signals from above, covering my heart in quiet thankfulness.


  1. You can have all my snow!! However, I've never thought of it as lucky, so you may not want it. Congratulations on the house. How exciting!

  2. After this year, I don't see snow as being lucky. However, I do hope that you get the house.

  3. I loved the ending! How you make the snow a peaceful calming presence. That's so lovely. Congratulations!

  4. Maybe this will be the house for you! We're having the same weather this weekend, and, even though I'm totally ready for going for walks without having to bundle up, there's something so beautiful about waking up to a white blanket. The way you wrote about the snow changing your state of mind is beautiful. Good luck!
