Sunday, March 17, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 17--"St. Patrick's Day: Taking No Chances"

I've taught for long enough to know that you take no chances when it's close to St. Patrick's Day. It's not the pinching that scares's the incessant comments...

"You're not wearing green, Ms. Collins!!"

"Be careful!! You might get pinched!!"

I've heard these comments and so many more at varying voice pitches, decibels, and grade levels. One year it got so bad at one of my schools, my principal came over the intercom to remind the students that, "At this school, we don't pinch our friends, we give them something green, like a paper heart or sticker to wear all day."

I've been trained well. I wear green for pretty much 3 days straight when it's never know when I kid might decide to "celebrate".

Today I met my realtor and her husband for a quick showing at a house (It was a no-go.). Sure enough, I made sure I was wearing my green scarf, just in case.

They weren't wearing any green, which I though was maybe it's just teachers who are trained like this?

So, now I want to know.

Who wears green on St. Patrick's Day, even if it's a weekend?


  1. Such a funny thing. I am always one to wear green. I just didn't yesterday. I realized it midday and then just did not change. I was running around, errands, cleaning, all the busy-ness of a Sunday. Yet, no green. I thought I was trained but apparently I need a reboot! :)

  2. I've never hear of the pinching:) Thank goodness. I usually wear my St. Patrick's Day game worn Chicago Wolves sweater- it's green and has shamrocks on it- but only on the day- If I don't have an event, I don't make sure to wear green if it's a weekend:)
