Friday, March 29, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 29---"All Finished!"

In my new District, we take several hours of classes to onboard every new employees and teach the principles and standards that we are expected to uphold.

Frankly, I've been dreading it, thinking that it would be similar to the good ole' Philosophy of Education course we all took back in the college days. So, electing to get it all done in one week instead of spreading it out over a year of night classes....I started on Monday and finished up today.

The experience could not have been more different than I expected. Instead of being filled with first-year teachers and feeling out of place among 22-year olds, I found a mix of disciplines, ages, teaching experiences, and viewpoints.

There were very few things that were taught that either were not a good review or reminder and/or were extremely helpful in navigating a new District.

And our facilitators were fabulous! They were clearly intentionally chosen for their experience across many grade levels and their depth of knowledge.

I did feel a sense of accomplishment at having finished up today, but also the satisfying feeling of having not wasted one whole week of my Spring Break.

I'm equipped with the tools I need, energized with the passion of my fellow colleagues, and, most importantly to me, knowledgeable about what success looks like in my new District.

I love that feeling...and I'm all done! Yea! ✅✅

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome when PD is useful and inspiring! Would love to hear how and what they delivered. Have a fantastic weekend.
