Thursday, March 7, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 7--"Things I've Noticed...One Week In"

These are a few things I've noticed one week into this year's challenge...

--It's been really hard to find time to write this year. More so than ever, I think. I find myself posting so late that my eyes are burning with the need to close.

--I have to fight the urge to write about the weather almost everyday. I love weather, so this time of year when it's changing almost hourly is fascinating to me...but not to many others, I know! ;)

--My posts are shorter. Maybe because I'm so worn out and maybe because I'm just okay with short this year!

--I'm getting to be less of a perfectionist and more free-flowing with my writing. You'll find mistakes, and I'm okay with that this year.

--I'm just glad to be back and I'll be very proud when I finish. I didn't think I could manage it this year, and somehow, one day at a time, I'm doing it. ;)

Happy Slicing!


  1. I always like to think of slicing as first-draft writing. Yes, proofread. But, no, don't spend an hour on it. After all, we can spend that extra time commenting... or living and looking for the next slice!

  2. Glad you're back. Just think how accomplished you'll feel by the end of day 31!

  3. "I find myself posting so late that my eyes are burning with the need to close." I know that feeling all too well. They don't just close, they start rolling in my head. For what it's worth, I'd read about the weather. :)

  4. As a retired Title 1 Interventionist I get why your posts get short. And, hey, everyone talks about the weather. Day 6 and 7 post I'm letting the weather reflect my mood.

  5. I actually really like all the posts about weather! Here in NC it has done nothing but rain for the past six months (it seems). I love seeing the posts about people who get snow in the winter instead of stupid cold rain, and as the month goes on, all the spring posts are nice. Kinda cool to see how different things are all over the country.

  6. Writing late always seems to be a problem of mine! I get up with the intent to write, am distracted by life, then, it's 10:00, and I'm dying trying to a slice in! Been there for sure! :)

    And don't even start about the weather! Snow, snow, and more snow! Ack!!

    Thanks for your honest slice! :)
