Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 19, "The Right Regrets"

“Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.”
― Arthur Miller

To some, this may seem like a dismal quote, but for someone that can pro/con list their way over which route to take to work, it feels, well....hopeful.

I always get so scared that I'll make the wrong decision, and maybe, somehow mess everything up and be filled with the big "R" word: REGRET.

I've learned over time that regrets aren't something to avoid; the important thing is to make sure that the ones you have are the "right" ones.

I won't bore you with details about the decisions I've got coming up or the ones I've learned to live with...BUT, honestly, I'm good with my regrets so far. I think regrets are part of living a full, fearless life. Sure, I'd redo some things like most people, but mostly I'm okay.

And that gives me courage. Courage to more forward, trusting that the decisions I've made in the past have been right for me....and I'll make them again.

And, yes, like you, I have regrets. But mostly the right kind...and that feels good.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could say all of my regrets have been the right kind. That would be a good way to look at things -- when they go wrong -- in the future.
