Thursday, March 14, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 14-- "A Warm Breeze Poem"

On a day of so many disappointments

On a day of struggle

On a day filled with difficulty

On a Thursday that felt like too much

I felt a warm breeze.

It felt like hope

Like a smile from afar

Blowing in a new day

A warmth that might only last a few hours

But that holds the promise of so much more

Fresh starts, problems resolved

A hope of spring coming

And with it, bright, sunny days

Today I felt a warm breeze that reminded me

All will be well.

Be still.



Breathe and trust.

Warm breezes are blowing, friends.


  1. Beautiful, and so full of hope. I love it! ~JudyK :-)

  2. Sometimes we need to stop and breathe, to realize the world isn't really spinning out of control--we just were. Your poem is a lovely point of stillness and hope.

  3. I loved your poem. Such honesty and tenderness.
