Saturday, March 23, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 23--"Welcome, Spring Break: A Poem"

Welcome to my crazy life, Spring Break.

I can feel you slowing it down already.

Quick movements replaced with quiet

Time to for peace

Time to let my mind clear

Time to rest--physically, emotionally, mentally

Even my Saturday, normally not too busy

Is somehow less stressful with your arrival

In one day, you've created space

For deep breaths

Cat naps on couches

Early bedtimes, relaxed

Welcome to my life, Spring Break.

You've come at a good time.

I didn't realize how much I needed you.


  1. I love this! You capture (so well!) many moments/feelings that are true about the beginning of spring break. :-) ~JudyK

  2. I can feel the calm washing over you. Our Spring Break starts at the end of this week, and I am definitely looking forward to it! Hope you enjoy the change of pace!
