Sunday, March 31, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 31--"March 2019: Recorded"

**As I write this Slice I have my cell phone cuddled up next to me, waiting to hear if I got the house I put in an offer on...I hope I know before I hit publish. ;) **

This has been the most different year of slicing for me in 6 years. I had a flow for 5 of them: stories embedded in my day, descriptions ready to go by evening. Honestly, it was never really hard for me to find gems to write about.

This year was the opposite.

I struggled every. single. day. I prayed no one would read what I published.

In retrospect, though, I learned something; March 2019 was recorded as it happened in real life

     -It's not fun for me to house hunt, much less relive the ups and downs in a blog each night. I tried to limit the posts, but I know it dominated my writing, just as it dominated my life.

    -When you're laser-focused on something, you miss the little things that creep through your day. I would get through my day, only to find that I could hardly remember the little things I would normally write about, much less enough to blog about them.

    -I was entirely and completely exhausted most of the time. My posts reflected that, both in creatively, length, and subject matter.

    -The community is so worth pushing through the hard times...for me, anyway. I look forward to seeing the "familiar faces" around each year.

    -I'll be back next year, no doubt. Tuesdays, no promises....I always say I will, but realistically this is just not the year to even try. I know it'd be totally worth it, but no resolutions this year for me.

So, in hindsight, I may not be proud of my writing, but I am more proud than ever that I did it. And, you know, it's called "Slice of Life" for a reason, and when looking back, it may have been a "not so shiny" month for me, but it was a Slice of MY Life.

March 2019: Recorded and in the books. Year 6 done! Yea!

Congrats to all my fellow slicers!

**And, no, the realtor still hasn't called, but it'll be okay. It seems appropriate to end on a suspended note, a breath held...that's been March for me! Cheers to next year and new houses and sleep!! :)**

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 30-- "Another House Offer...But with a touch of MAGIC"

I made another house offer today.

I fell for it the minute I walked in.

The character, the charm...the storage! Oh my!

It all created the perfect storm of loveliness.

I drove home, wondering,

Was I right to offer higher than I intended to?

Were the little quirks going to make me crazy someday?

Was the yard big enough for my puppy?

And then, as we discussed logistics on the phone,

Prices, disclosures, words I didn't know...

A touch of magic came from the sky

A little confirmation that all would be well.

A storm of a different kind, but so very lovely.

A flurry of snow that turned into a windy blizzard.

And I was reminded of how lucky snow is for me,

So that nerves faded, confidence emerged, and papers were signed.

A snow storm that said to me,

"Peace, Be Still--I've got this."

In a week of 60 degree temps,

Unexpected snow signals from above, covering my heart in quiet thankfulness.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 29---"All Finished!"

In my new District, we take several hours of classes to onboard every new employees and teach the principles and standards that we are expected to uphold.

Frankly, I've been dreading it, thinking that it would be similar to the good ole' Philosophy of Education course we all took back in the college days. So, electing to get it all done in one week instead of spreading it out over a year of night classes....I started on Monday and finished up today.

The experience could not have been more different than I expected. Instead of being filled with first-year teachers and feeling out of place among 22-year olds, I found a mix of disciplines, ages, teaching experiences, and viewpoints.

There were very few things that were taught that either were not a good review or reminder and/or were extremely helpful in navigating a new District.

And our facilitators were fabulous! They were clearly intentionally chosen for their experience across many grade levels and their depth of knowledge.

I did feel a sense of accomplishment at having finished up today, but also the satisfying feeling of having not wasted one whole week of my Spring Break.

I'm equipped with the tools I need, energized with the passion of my fellow colleagues, and, most importantly to me, knowledgeable about what success looks like in my new District.

I love that feeling...and I'm all done! Yea! ✅✅

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 28--"Almost There"

As I watch the days of March slowly tick away, I am disappointed in myself by how glad I will be when this challenge is done. I've never felt this way; in fact, last year, I remember thinking how much easier it was at year 5!

Year 6 has been a different beast. I remember some years in the past being more difficult than others, but it wasn't the same...I was still proud of my writing. This year I secretly hope no one reads what I write.

I know I'll be back next year.

I know March 31st will feel amazing and reflective, as usual.

I know April 1st will be a little empty without slicing, like normal.

I know that this is just a 2019 thing...

But, it's sad nonetheless. I hate it when I can't put my best foot forward, and this year has been so far from my best.

But, maybe it's my best for now. Maybe that is worth recording. March 2019 wasn't my best year of slicing, but I still showed up.

Surely, there's a mini-lesson for our writers in there somewhere, right? ;)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 27--"A Moment of Relief"

I got a call from my realtor this afternoon, and despite feeling icky, I went to see yet another house. I didn't really have the emotional or physical energy to get into this one, but I knew I had to do it. 

It checked all the boxes. I could have been the one for me, but I walked away. 

I can't explain why, except it just didn't "feel right." It bothered me that I couldn't pull the trigger on something that looked so right on paper.

I think I'm so used to just "making things work" that I forget that a house SHOULD be an emotionally fun and exciting purchase. It's not a classroom that I get assigned to and make's my home.

In the end, I can always tell when I've made the right decision by how I feel afterwards, and how do I feel right now?


Whew! The search continues... ;)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 26--"A Friendly Face That I Didn't Remember!"

My hand was raised with computer problems, again, in my Professional Development classes today.

Suddenly, "Hi, Katy!"

I looked back at the unfamiliar face smiling at me---someone who clearly knew me, but that I did not recognize! Panic!

(This happens quite a bit to me this year, as I've traveled around my new District meeting a ton of new people, but remembering a shameful number of names and faces. It's a problem.)

I tried harder, but still could not place this friendly face.

She smiled again, and said, "You don't remember me, do you?" I finally shook my head, sheepishly. "We sat next to each other at the Christmas party, remember?"

And then I did remember.

In December, I was invited to the Christmas party for people in the District who travel around like me. Only, most of the invitees were instructional coaches, curriculum specialists, etc...and then there was me: the Title I teacher for Non-Public Schools. I RSVPed "no" because I was too scared to go meet a bunch of people I didn't know in a place I felt I didn't belong. I was afraid of being around all the people who intimidate me, especially in a new District.

A kind colleague changed my mind, and I had a wonderful time. It was a party full of laughter, smiles, and warmth.

But, mostly, I remember how I felt: WELCOMED.

This lady, unfamiliar today, made a huge difference in my experience at my new District that day. During a vulnerable time for me, a scary moment, she (and many others) made me feel like I belonged.

I apologized over and over today for not remembering her face, but made sure she knew that I remembered her and her kindness to me that day.

Belonging is important, even for adults! I hope I make others feel like that.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 25--"My Day in Thoughts"

This was my day of PD, tutoring, and house hunting...narrated by my random thoughts...

5:30 a.m. WHY? WHY?? WHY is my alarm going off on the first Monday of Spring Break?

5:32 a.m. I guess it was MY idea to do all these classes during one week instead of spreading it out...

7:30 a.m. Can I really be running behind? I'm leaving 30 minutes later than usual...

8:00 a.m. Where to sit? Where to sit??!! Seats become permanent at PD!!!

8:30 a.m. I need more coffee...

8:45 a.m. I'm into this topic! Yea!

11:00 a.m. (driving by homes during lunch break) This is definitely NOT the house of my dreams. Another one bites the dust.

2:00 p.m. Out of PD early! Let's see if my tutoring gig can meet early!

3:33 p.m. I love tutoring English Language much. fun!

4:00 p.m. I'm headed home when my tutoring normally starts! YESSSS!

4:30-8:30 p.m. (realtor website...check for new listings) Not that one, not that one...maybe that hunting looks so much more fun on HGTV....

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 24--"My Brain is Blank"

While I've written of the wonder of Spring Break and unplanned schedules, I always dread these weeks of blog posts the most. It's funny how such a gift of time can result in nothing coming to mind as a "standout" moment...or maybe it's just because I've used up all ideas that I could write about...

I'm still house-hunting. Every. Single. Day. And, honestly, it's not that fun to write about.

I walk my dog through various kinds of weather--today rainy--but I didn't want to relive that through a blog.

I slept in, but I talked about that yesterday.

I took the day at my pace...again, covered a few times lately...

There's not much happening here, but it's great!

Honestly, I find sometimes the best days produce the least to write about...or maybe I just need to change my lens? I'm not used to slow days, filled with much the same thing...I need to put on those "extra-ordinary moment" lens to find my next slice.

Tomorrow starts a week of PD with people I've never met. Maybe there's some slices hidden in those moments to come! :)

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 23--"Welcome, Spring Break: A Poem"

Welcome to my crazy life, Spring Break.

I can feel you slowing it down already.

Quick movements replaced with quiet

Time to for peace

Time to let my mind clear

Time to rest--physically, emotionally, mentally

Even my Saturday, normally not too busy

Is somehow less stressful with your arrival

In one day, you've created space

For deep breaths

Cat naps on couches

Early bedtimes, relaxed

Welcome to my life, Spring Break.

You've come at a good time.

I didn't realize how much I needed you.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 22--"Settling in for Spring Break..."

This is the first Spring Break I can remember that doesn't feel super-packed to me. It's a weird feeling...I'm not headed anywhere, no trips, etc.

I've got plans, but it's relaxed...

--go to some classes for my new district (I chose the SB 5-day option instead of spreading it over night classes all year.)
--take my dog for some walks to some places we don't normally go
--look for some homes
--start organizing my things to move (in good faith...!)
--hang out with my parents who are coming to visit
--spring clean my storage unit

We'll see how much of the organizing and cleaning gets done, but I'm not going to stress. It's fun to go on trips and anticipate Spring Break, but it feels pretty good to stay in town, too!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 21--"Three Weeks In---Time Flies!"

It is crazy to me how fast life flies, especially when you're measuring it. 

In March, the days go so slow as state assessments and indecisive weather hold us hostage, teasing us with brief warm-ups and then plunging us into low temps, again. Spring Break is ahead, but feels so far away on March 1st.

Then, all of a sudden, we are three weeks in...

Days measured in long hours become weeks measured in a few short breaths. 

March comes in like a tortoise and goes out like a hare.

Times flies, especially when you're watching.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 20--"I'm Buying a House...WHAT??"

I saw a house tonight.

It's the one.

I've been looking forever...okay, just a month, but feels like forever.

It's not perfect, but it just needs me to make it shine.

It's the right price.

It's in a good location.

It's got a garage, and yard, and closet space.

And I'm putting in an offer in like 10 minutes.

Quickest slice ever, but no time to spare.

Super excited with a twinge of scared.

Send me prayers, best wishes, and happy thoughts tonight...

Because I think I'm buying a house.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 19, "The Right Regrets"

“Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.”
― Arthur Miller

To some, this may seem like a dismal quote, but for someone that can pro/con list their way over which route to take to work, it feels, well....hopeful.

I always get so scared that I'll make the wrong decision, and maybe, somehow mess everything up and be filled with the big "R" word: REGRET.

I've learned over time that regrets aren't something to avoid; the important thing is to make sure that the ones you have are the "right" ones.

I won't bore you with details about the decisions I've got coming up or the ones I've learned to live with...BUT, honestly, I'm good with my regrets so far. I think regrets are part of living a full, fearless life. Sure, I'd redo some things like most people, but mostly I'm okay.

And that gives me courage. Courage to more forward, trusting that the decisions I've made in the past have been right for me....and I'll make them again.

And, yes, like you, I have regrets. But mostly the right kind...and that feels good.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 18-- "The Annual 'I Am' Poem"

**I used to do this every year with my 6th graders. Their honesty and vulnerability at that age always touched me. This will be my seventh "I Am" poem and every year it is different.**

I am a dreamer and an encourager.
I wonder if life ever settles down into a routine, or if feeling a bit unsettled is just how life is.
I see the my dog at my feet, my sweet companion.
I hear the jets taking off faintly in the distance of my home and wonder where people are headed tonight.
I want to live in the moment, but sometimes tomorrow has me preoccupied.
I am a dreamer and an encourager.

I pretend that having a chronic disease is easy; it's not.
I feel touched by the kindness I see in small gestures.
I touch the future by teaching; it is a vocation that pays out, not in money, but in future victories.
I feel tired and hopeful at the same time--is that possible?
I cry after the fact, hardly ever when it's the "right" time.
I am a dreamer and an encourager.

I understand that there is beauty in each day, and it is my job to help kids look up to see it.
I say that putting one foot in front of the other is all it takes sometimes to make it through a hard stretch.
I dream of publishing a book someday.
I try to keep in touch with people, but it's so hard!
I hope Spring Break comes fast--4 more days!!
I am a dreamer and an encourager.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 17--"St. Patrick's Day: Taking No Chances"

I've taught for long enough to know that you take no chances when it's close to St. Patrick's Day. It's not the pinching that scares's the incessant comments...

"You're not wearing green, Ms. Collins!!"

"Be careful!! You might get pinched!!"

I've heard these comments and so many more at varying voice pitches, decibels, and grade levels. One year it got so bad at one of my schools, my principal came over the intercom to remind the students that, "At this school, we don't pinch our friends, we give them something green, like a paper heart or sticker to wear all day."

I've been trained well. I wear green for pretty much 3 days straight when it's never know when I kid might decide to "celebrate".

Today I met my realtor and her husband for a quick showing at a house (It was a no-go.). Sure enough, I made sure I was wearing my green scarf, just in case.

They weren't wearing any green, which I though was maybe it's just teachers who are trained like this?

So, now I want to know.

Who wears green on St. Patrick's Day, even if it's a weekend?

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 16--"A Slippery Saturday Poem"

I slept last night.

Really slept

For the first time in a long time

I woke up to still-sleepy eyes

And knew it was going to be

A slow-ish kind of day

I took nap on the couch

Sipped my coffee

Took the dog for a walk to soak up the sun

Now it's almost 9 at night

And I find myself wondering

Where did the day go?

Like sand through my fingers

It slipped away, slowly, restoratively

Just what my brain needed...a quiet, slippery Saturday.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 15--"The Best Part of His Day"

I get home later and later it seems. My house search drags on, using up all my gas budget, my sleep time, and my emotional energy. Who knew that finding a home would be so emotional?? Not me!

So, as I've walked away from no less than 10 houses these last few weeks, I've had to also walk away from time with my dog, Yadi. I try to take him out for drives with me, but sometimes, it just doesn't work out.

Either way, this sweet baby meets me at the door when I get home, ready for a walk, snuggles, and dinner. He gives me a zap of energy when he runs down the steps and starts weaving around me like a cat.

I was on the phone with my dad the other day when Yadi charged down the steps to greet me, a huge smile on his face.

"He acts like he doesn't even care that I just had to leave him all day..." I said guiltily to my dad.

"That's because you coming home is the  best part of his day," he replied.

How sweet.

Sometimes, I'll admit, it's the best part of my day, too. :)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 14-- "A Warm Breeze Poem"

On a day of so many disappointments

On a day of struggle

On a day filled with difficulty

On a Thursday that felt like too much

I felt a warm breeze.

It felt like hope

Like a smile from afar

Blowing in a new day

A warmth that might only last a few hours

But that holds the promise of so much more

Fresh starts, problems resolved

A hope of spring coming

And with it, bright, sunny days

Today I felt a warm breeze that reminded me

All will be well.

Be still.



Breathe and trust.

Warm breezes are blowing, friends.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 13--"A Favorite Format Tradition"

I am a reading teacher, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a dog-mommy.

I keep memories in physical form (also known as a hoarder in some circles, I think...;)

I wish I could break down walls between people. I think we need more respect, less fear, and a more welcoming mindset.

I love differences and learning about them.

I sing a song of joy everyday...I hope. When people see me, I want them to see a friend.

I think everyone should own a dog. They make life better.

I really miss traveling overseas. Someday, I will, again, but for now, finances are all pointed towards a new house.

I need more sleep.

I should exercise. But man, the days go fast!

I can do more than I could at this time last year. I have health problems that flare, and I'm thankful when my body is cool.

I like to be creative--making things, decorating, gardening.

I make decisions sloooooowly, as my realtor is finding out. I can be completely in love with a house and out of love within minutes.

I always wish I had more than one life to live. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to have a chance to do all the things we dream of?

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 12-- "Face Plant in the Dog Park"

Today I face planted in the dog park. Not an exaggeration, friends.

The muddy, smelly, nasty, dis-gust-ing dog park...

Let me tell you the story.

I got home and walked my dog over to the dog park across the street where I let him do his "business" (and where lots of people let their dogs do their business). Unlike others, I pick up my dog's business with the handy little bags they provide and deposit it in the convenient trash can located on the fence.

So, we've had a pretty wet winter here in Indiana, which means the place is a mud pit (mixed in with "other stuff"). As my Golden Retriever and I were leaving today, I got a boot stuck in the mud, turned an ankle, and landed directly in the muddy mess of nastiness.

The smell. Oh, the smell...

I've cleaned up and changed and I swear I can still smell it.


I took my time getting up, because the last thing I wanted to do was lose my footing again. My dog, worried, started licking my face like crazy, which did not help.

I recovered, mostly in privacy, I think-- I didn't see anyone around, anyway--limped out of the park, got back to solid sidewalk, and headed home to clean up and ice my ankle.

So, tonight, no matter how bad your day was...imagine ending it with your nose inches from mud permeated with doggie do-do and be thankful.

It was like reading a book with a bad ending...such a great day, with such a, well, stinky ending.

Cheers to tomorrow, showers, and clean clothes! ;)

Monday, March 11, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 11--"I'm Worried..."

Sometimes during Slice of Life, I worry.

I get concerned that my late-night posting habits will backfire one day, and I'll wake up to find my recent post out there for all of you to see...and it's ridiculous. Full of errors and mistakes. On a topic that is dumb. And full of, "Hope you get some rest!" (because it's obvious you need it!) comments that just make me feel even more worried.

Maybe today is that day. I'm so tired, and this is all I've got.

Be gentle, fellow Daylight Savings Time, sleep-deprived, friends. This comes from the very bottom of the barrel....

AND...I'm worried for tomorrow morning. ;)

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 10--"Can't Sleep. Thanks, Daylight Savings Time."

I can't sleep.

And it's time to sleep.

My dog is asleep.

My body is tired.

But, my brain is still on overdrive.

I know the drill, Daylight Savings Time.

"Spring Forward" into what, I wonder?

A week of messed up nights?

A week of dark mornings?

A week of not-enough-sleep hangovers?

All I can think about is...

If I'm tired, how exhausted will the kids be?

Will our collective grouchiness

Make us all laugh or unable to concentrate?

I can't sleep. And I know who to blame.

I hope you treat us well this year, Daylight Savings Time.

Please, go easy on us.

I can't sleep.

And I'm worried

That no one else can either.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 9--"My Moment in Sounds"

As I sit typing this slice in the quiet of the evening, I hear...

the gentle fall of rain outside my windows, sometimes heavy, drowning everything out

the dripping of the gutters

an occasional roar, following with enormous splashes, by cars that pass by

heavy wind that comes in gusts that feel like surround sound white noise

soft doggy snores from the other couch

the humming of the refrigerator

the pitter-patter of my typing

many sounds blended together to make a silent, still moment

creating peace

Friday, March 8, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 8--"Heading Out on Another House Hunt"

I've got about an hour before I meet my realtor to view a listing that I LOVE.

Some thoughts from my racing brain and knotted stomach as I wait...

It's the right price.

A good location, a little far from work, but overlooking that for now... ;)

Gorgeous on the inside.

Recent updates.

It reminds me of my childhood home that got swept away in a tornado (MAJOR emotional points in it's favor!)

A sunroom.

A basement with possibilities.

Ready for a fence and a garden.

Lots of room for my pup to run.

Honestly, for a single teacher on a budget, it's hitting all the marks for me.

AND...I'm a bundle of nerves...

Will I hate it when I get there? Will my realtor say it's priced too low and we need to offer over-budget? (which I'm not doing!) Will someone else with the same dreams and more money see it and offer more?

OH, the agony!!

Misery and excitement wrapped into one moment! :)

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 7--"Things I've Noticed...One Week In"

These are a few things I've noticed one week into this year's challenge...

--It's been really hard to find time to write this year. More so than ever, I think. I find myself posting so late that my eyes are burning with the need to close.

--I have to fight the urge to write about the weather almost everyday. I love weather, so this time of year when it's changing almost hourly is fascinating to me...but not to many others, I know! ;)

--My posts are shorter. Maybe because I'm so worn out and maybe because I'm just okay with short this year!

--I'm getting to be less of a perfectionist and more free-flowing with my writing. You'll find mistakes, and I'm okay with that this year.

--I'm just glad to be back and I'll be very proud when I finish. I didn't think I could manage it this year, and somehow, one day at a time, I'm doing it. ;)

Happy Slicing!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 6--"Am I a Hoarder?"

Today a search for some files took me to my storage unit. As I rooted around old school boxes, stacks of antiques I've collected over time, and various pieces of furniture, I wondered, "What exactly makes one a hoarder?"

I mean, where's the line?

If you'd asked me to get rid of one thing in that room today, I'm not sure I could have made a decision. Okay, maybe one thing, but honestly, it all has a purpose (or could have a purpose, or is sentimental, or is practical to have on hand...).

You see where I'm going?

I don't think I really have a problem, but attachment to "things" has always been "a thing" for me. When my childhood home where my parents lived for 33 years was destroyed in the Joplin tornado of 2011, I salvaged all I could from the rubble that had meaning and now I hold onto it.

I have huge totes stacked and labeled that hold my rarely-seen treasures. I don't need to see them everyday, but I can spend hours just looking when I do.

I see myself as the memory-keeper of the family. I store it and when I see them, we get it out and laugh and cry and talk and reminisce.

I like to hold my past. To touch it.

Does that make me a hoarder? I hope not, but if it does, I'm okay with that. ;)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 5-- "Slicing Saves March"

You don't have to know me very long before you know how much I love winter. I mean seriously love it...the snow, the clouds, the cold, the decorations...

But, even I'll concede that by March, I am tired. It feels like it's stretched on for ages and ages.

It's changed from delightful, fluffy, white snowflakes, to endless, daily snow flurries.

From cold nights with twinkle lights, to a wet chill that gets in your bones.

From cloudy days holding promised snow days, to days you wonder if the sun will ever shine again!!

Will spring EVER arrive in Indiana this year, I wonder??

But, in my opinion, slicing redeems March. It forces you out into the virtual world when the real world is too frozen to support life.

I'm so thankful for our bright community of Slicers that usher in spring each year. I know, by the end of the challenge, I'll feel sun on my face and a warm(ish) breeze in the air.

Slicing saves March.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 4-- "That Feeling"

Today I saw two houses.

First, the box house at the top of my budget in the Indy suburb. All I could imagine was a mortgage stretching into forever in a house that was already boring.

Second, the house in the downtown neighborhood with original hardwoods, surrounded by houses that didn't look a thing like it. Diverse, rundown, gorgeous houses on a street that I never dreamed I'd think about living on, but that suddenly felt like home.

I can't really explain it, but as my hand ran up the bannister of the stairway, I could feel it.

That feeling that they say happens when you find the one. I just knew.

Now, really, there's a lot to fix. Foundation, floors, a few ceilings that need repainted, etc. Oh, and it need central air. Not small things.

BUT, that feeling I got as I stood in the street, passed a few neighbors, listened to the quiet---how many times do you get that feeling??

This is house 6 on my search for the perfect home. It is by far the cheapest, the most beautiful, and the only one that sparked my imagination and my creativity. I could "see" the crown molding in my mind's eye, the uncovered hardwoods, and the wood trimmed windows come to life.

It would take some money to redo. I'm not unrealistic or afraid to walk away if something goes sideways, but I sure hope that a year from now I'm writing my Slice of Life post from a house just like that one.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 3-- "An Essential Operations Only Day"

Today I kept my operations limited to only what was essential.

As the powder-fine snow fell for most of the day, I...

*Drank coffee

*Played with my dog, Yadi, in the snow

*Did laundry

*Face-timed my family

*Looked at houses online

*Made a grocery list for tomorrow

Yes, there was more to do and more on the calendar,

But we don't have many days left that will be filled with snow from morning to afternoon.

And so, I watched it fall and did just enough work to keep the momentum going.

Tomorrow will come soon enough.

The pace will pick up to full-speed.

Maybe I'll wish I'd done more...

Or maybe...I'll be glad I took an unplanned brain break.

Quiet and peaceful.

Just the essentials.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 2-- "A Day of House Hunting"

Today I spent the chilly winter day inside house hunting online. I realize that listening to stories about house hunting are pretty much only interesting to the parties involved, but it's literally all I did! I don't have time to look during the week, only to go to showings, so weekends are my time.

After I slice, I'm determined to put away the computer and let my brain rest.

As a first time homebuyer, it's been an up and down process for me, but March may bring the end of the stress (at least of finding one!). I've seen enough to have figured out what I want (mostly...) and to pick a few neighborhoods (mostly...) and to settle on a budget (mostly...).

I still dream of finding that perfect home, which for me, ironically, starts as a non-perfect, 100-year old home...fixing it up, bringing it back to life, and finding homeowner's bliss in my little slice of history. Probably not happening!

Most of those homes in Indianapolis are either not in my budget or not in my timeline to get fixed up.

So, the truth is I'll probably settle somewhere in between all of it...there are so many options, and yet people keep saying I'll know it when I find it...

I think those people might watch too much HGTV. ;)


Friday, March 1, 2019

Slice of Life, Day 1: "I Almost Didn't, But I'm Glad I Did"

This is the first year in my 6 years of Slicing that I almost didn't. I actually thought several times today that maybe I just won't. 

I'm not sure why not, except that I just don't have the "in person" Slicing community I used to have...and it makes a difference!

I miss my fellow teachers who joined me, my students, and the administration that made this such a special month. March brings back sweet memories that sting just a little.

So, I'm slicing this month with new purpose. It's not about motivating anyone, or cheering students on, or planning celebrations, or any of those things that made March fly by each year.

This year I'm doing it for me. For my writing. 

To reflect. To notice. To record. To share.

And I'm doing it with the people that have been there all along to support me---the community at the Two Writing Teachers. 

I didn't make my final decision until I visited the blog tonight and saw all of you there, posting away, and just knew I couldn't miss it. 

And I'm so glad I did. 

Happy Slicing, friends!