Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Slice of Life: Day 4-- "Scratch and Sniff Literacy"

This month I am participating in the Slice of Life challenge sponsored by the Two Writing Teachers website and blog. Join me!

I was working with two sweet first graders today in small group reading. The book was about ice cream and how it's made. We were all drooling over the vivid pictures and descriptions. Our giggles turned into wishes about how we'd all like to be at an ice cream shop instead of school. This led to one of the girls scratching the picture and smelling it.

"Yummmmmmy!!" she exclaimed, excitement filling her eyes. "It smells like ice cream!"

The second first grader scratched her book, smelled...looked a little confused, and then enthusiasticly concurred.

In case you're wondering, I had to try, of course. turns out, if you concentrate, use a little imagination, and blend in some silliness---pictures of ice cream do smell like ice cream.

Scratch and sniff literacy. You should try it. ;)


  1. You so captured the joy of your job in this single line, "Our giggles turned into wishes about how we'd all like to be at an ice cream shop instead of school." I would have ran home and told my mom all about this moment if I were one of those sweet first graders.

  2. I so miss that magic and those giggles of first grade imagination and the power of a good/ or not so good book!
