Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Slice of Life: Day 31--"Year 7: Check!"

This month I am participating in the Slice of Life challenge sponsored by the Two Writing Teachers website and blog. Join me!

I've spent some time thinking back to the last 6 years of slicing...and I can honestly say this is the most unique year I've ever experienced. It almost doesn't feel real, this last day of slicing, because March 31st doesn't feel real. So many days, strung together in an endless blur, punctuated by the sunrise and sunset, but not much else that was defining.

I think every year has a "theme" for me...some years it's been about slicing with students, one year I was in the middle of moving, and this year...I just can't put my finger on it!


Does weird describe what you've felt, too?

Weird, works for me, I think, because it describes both the emotions and events. And both have been, well, weird. And unpredictable. And sad. And scary.

I've felt so many feelings these last 4 weeks. When I look back over my slices, March started light, moved to fearful, then faux-positive as I tried to distract myself, and just went up and down from there.

And the events...ugh, the events that have literally left us with our mouths open in a gasp are horrifying. Events that will haunt us. Events we will strive to collectively recover from for years...a defining before and after moment in most of our lives. And our children's lives.

It's this "living in the house while building it" unsettled feeling that leaves me slicing nonsense here on the last day. My thoughts are everywhere, and I literally can't put a reflection on this year together.

So, I'm going end it here. It was fun. It was emotional. It was Slice of Life, year 7.

But, man, has it been weird.


  1. I agree with you. Totally. Most years, I try to end with a little wrap up. And it's usually not that hard. But this year was different. It was WEIRD. But we did it! Congratulations!

  2. Yes. Living in the house while building it. That is the feeling. Thanks so much for writing and inspiring!
