Sunday, March 15, 2020

Slice of Life: Day 15--"A Sunday Stroll that Felt Wonderful and a Few Other Ramblings"

This month I am participating in the Slice of Life challenge sponsored by the Two Writing Teachers website and blog. Join me!

This is certainly not anything exciting, but today I took a Sunday walk with my dog. I strolled, moseyed, noticed, observed, processed, soaked up the sun, and pondered how this could be part of my life for the next 3+ weeks.

It felt weird. And wonderful. I can't remember the last time we had time to do that. Sad, right?

I'd never in a million years wish this crisis upon our world and our communities, but the thought of slowing down for awhile feels, well...pretty good. I didn't know how fast we were going until it all stopped.

It feels a little like getting off a moving walkway; the sudden halt is a bit of shock as you transition back into a normal walk.

I'm finding myself reprioritizing.

The next 3 weeks can be about the things that matter to me. What's even stranger than finding 3 weeks basically empty...I'm finding myself discovering that so much of my life has been so full of "have-tos" that I have very few "want-tos" left.

I am fascinated by this discovery. I didn't know that I'd eliminated so many hobbies to just keep it all going. Just to keep up.

It's going to be an interesting few weeks as I rediscover the things I love to do, find new loves, and just enjoy the new normal.

At least this is how I envision the next 3 weeks. As the situation develops, I know things will get more serious. I know some people will live the worst. I pray that we overcome by following the directions of our leadership and that our leadership makes wise decisions.

I wish it wasn't happening, but I'm searching for a silver lining.

And right now, like so many of you, I'm finding my new rhythm. Still not sure what that looks like, but here's hoping it involves many moseying strolls with my dog and many moments of connections that might look different, but are still meaningful.

Hugs to all.


  1. Killer line: "I didn't know how fast we were going until it all stopped." Thanks for sharing.

  2. So happy that people are able to find the silver lining in all of this chaos. At the moment, we are still going strong but the state next to us has shut down schools, restaurants and bars until the end of the month,

  3. Silver lingings are what will keep us all sane during these crazy times. Great post!

  4. "I didn't know how fast we were going until it all stopped." How true this is!

  5. When I read "I'm finding myself discovering that so much of my life has been so full of "have-tos" that I have very few "want-tos" left." I immediately went "Oh my gosh.. I've been doing the same thing!" Hope the next 3 or so weeks are filled with relaxation, moseying, and discovery.

  6. It’ll be interesting to see what hobbies will resurface. In the meantime your dog will be thrilled with extra walks.
