Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Slice of Life: Day 18--"Online PD that Made My Heart Happy"

This month I am participating in the Slice of Life challenge sponsored by the Two Writing Teachers website and blog. Join me!

Today we had online, remote PD in my District.

It was excellent material. Engaging, interesting, and useful.

But, mostly...I "left" smiling because I got to see the smiles of some familiar faces. We come together once a month, and this month was no different.

Some things don't change, and I'm so very thankful. We smiled, laughed, and waved at each other. Kids cuddled up by parents to listen to a session about how to teach reading more effectively. I felt like we were together, even though we were all in our homes.

Today it was PD that allowed me to feel a sense of normal, even though my dog fought me for screen time and couch space.

It made me feel like it's going to be okay.

1 comment:

  1. It's the normalcy I think everyone craves. I'm glad you got to have a little bit of that today.
