Thursday, March 26, 2020

Slice of Life: Day 26--"One Little Word: Quarantine Edition"

This month I am participating in the Slice of Life challenge sponsored by the Two Writing Teachers website and blog. Join me!

So....I always do my one little word at the beginning of the year, but quite frankly, it's just not working for me right now.

Unprecedented times call for...unprecedented one little word changes in the middle of March??!

So, my new word for now, until life returns to normal, until we get out of quarantine is...


This may seem really silly and overused, but honestly, I'm not that intentional in my normal life---or so I've discovered. Things that I've built in as habits fill my days. I've built my life intentionally, but this time of mix-up calls for serious INTENTION. Even things like when I wake up and go to bed are not intentional in my real life, because it just happens. It's required. It's my norm.

So, outside this norm, I've found some different ways to be intentional and prioritized day-by-day, not by the year, like I might do under normal circumstances. I'm on Spring Break right now, so this does not include work!

Here are my intentional ideas right now (subject to change as things change...):
wake-up at a consistent time
walk the dog
touch base with all family members via phone once a day
eat 3 meals
spend time offline or unplugged each day
be creative -- crafts, planning, etc.
do something productive -- chores, etc.
talk to a friend or connect with others
spend time outside

So far so good.

Still breathing. ;)


  1. I understand the change. My OLW this year is Magic. I'm having a hard time finding the magic in the world right now. I like intentional as a word--it fits with what you are wanting in your life right now.

  2. You have some good intentional ideas about what to do right now. I believe that intentional is the right word for you.

  3. I think a word change is a good idea if it helps put things in motion for you. It sounds like it has helped you create some good intentional plans for yourself.

  4. I love your list of intentionals. You made me think about my OLW...Inspire. I think I am going to recommit to my word. Thanks!
